Ah, good, old February.
Don’t worry if your resolutions have fallen by the wayside, February is the month to restart.
We’ve all made promises that we haven’t upheld, we’ve all bought gym memberships that we haven’t used, but Centra’s Live Well Restart 21-day challenges are going to make it easier and more realistic for everyone.
Designed to get us all back on track, the 21-day challenges start in February with strength training – after all, it takes 21 days to form a habit.
The first challenge includes planking, high knees and burpees and all you have to do is sign up to the challenge on Centra.ie to get a downloadable PDF emailed out to you with meal plans and activity guides
All participants will be entered into a competition for a personal training session with Pat Divilly and one night in the G Hotel in Galway for two.
Easy health meals, tips, advice, and programmes, the 21-day challenge will have you back on track in no time.
Start with high knees. Easy as that.
Then move into the plank.
Soon you’ll be ready for the high plank.
You’ll soon think the hip bridge is a right laugh.
Then relax and enjoy.
Enjoy the restart ….. but enjoy the results more.Â
Centra knows it’s not always easy to stay on track when it comes to living well. With the help of health & wellness expert Pat Divilly, Centra can help you restart & get back on track. Sign up to their 21-day meal planner & challenges here. Centra have great offers & inspiration in store for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Share your progress using #livewell in our social channels to win a personal training session with Pat Divilly & 1 night in the G hotel for 2.