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World of Sport

08th Aug 2016

A reminder that Samuel L Jackson is the best Olympics commentator

Give him a TV slot already...

Carl Anka

Actor, film producer, pioneer of general profanity: there are few things Samuel L. Jackson cannot do.

One of the highest grossing actors of all time, every four years Jules Winnfield reminds us that the biggest Olympics fanboy around.

Samuel will watch every event Team USA through his Twitter account, and his exuberance is very infectious.

Jackson’s unique voice very much rings through in every tweet, and it’s safe to say that giving him a follow will brighten up your 2016 Olympics experience.

He will hype your swimming…

He will cheer gymnasts…

And he will be extra inventive with the word “motherfucker” while he does it.

What’s better yet is that Jackson does this EVERY OLYMPICS. Viewers will remember that the Pulp Fiction and Avengers actor tweeted along to London 2012 with the same GET HYPE spirit.

If Samuel’s Rio tweets end up anything like his 2012 ones, then we’re going to end up with a lot of cool new spellings for “motherfucker”.

Loads of em.

Samuel L Jackson will spell “motherfucker” how he god damn pleases, and you will like it.

Seriously: this one has a Q in it.

Why are none of the Olympic channels giving him a presenting slot?

We need more of this.

Fun fact: The ‘L’ in Samuel L. Jackson stands for “motherfucker”. (Nah we’re just yanking your chain – it’s Leroy).



Rio 2016