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US Sports

07th Jan 2015

VINE: Basketball coach wants team to build a ‘f**king wall’ to ensure of win (NSFW)

Now there's no need for that

Kevin McGillicuddy

Simple and to the point.

Sportsmen and women have a reputation for not remembering too much of team talks. Therefore managers and coaches usually try to make them as simple as possible for everybody to understand and execute. It seems like good sporting sense to us and Stan Van Gundy is clearly a man who gets his ideas across in the most basic way possible.

His Detroit side were leading San Antonio 105-104 with just 0.1 left on the clock and he was determined not to let the lead slip.

The only way the Spus were going to score was for a basket to be tipped in after a lob and by god Van Gundy wasn’t going to let that happen.  He told his bewildered team looking for some key words of wisdom  ‘we just form a fu**ing wall’ to prevent a last gasp score.

And it worked. No tactics board needed my friends. Just a bit of swearing and all was good in the world.

There’s something strangely hypnotic about a middle-aged man swearing at multi-millionaires.

H/t to Dimemag