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11th Jan 2015

Video: Woman reacts perfectly to boyfriend’s kiss-cam snub at NBA game

Serves him right

Ben Kiely

Phubbing, noun, the act of snubbing someone in favour for your mobile phone. Not recommended behaviour during the NBA kiss-cam

The dreaded kiss-cam has produced more comedy gold, this time coming during Friday’s clash between the New York Knicks the Houston Rockets at Madison Square Garden.

The camera panned to a couple in the crowd and while the woman was prepared for a very public display of affection, her boyfriend was too busy sending a text to pay her any attention. She did the only naturally thing and turned to a complete stranger sitting next to her and locked lips with him instead, much to her other half’s chagrin.

Hugo Davies, the man who filmed the incident explained what happened to the Daily Mail.

I was filming because this was my first basketball match and it was a normal kiss cam until this happened.

At first people were shouting and laughing because he was ignoring her but when she kissed the other guy everyone went crazy cheering and laughing.

When it did happen I couldn’t stop laughing at the time, like she totally embarrassed the guy.

When viral videos such as this emerge, the first reaction of the good people of the internet is to question its validity. However, 19-year-old British student Davies firmly believes that it wasn’t staged.

Everyone was talking about it when they left the building, some people even went and high-fived the guy she kissed.

I don’t think it was staged because the guy looked genuinely angry and embarrassed after, he was blushing dark red for the rest of the game and didn’t talk to her afterwards.

Hat-tip to Thomas Curran/Daily Mail