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17th Dec 2014

Video: Liam Neeson spoofs ‘Taken’ phone call for ridiculous NBA Christmas ad

John Wall isn't worried by that ferocious Irish accent

Kevin McGillicuddy

Getting a phone call from Liam Neeson would scare the shite out of us and with good reason.

The Ballymena man was like an Irish Rambo but better looking in the film Taken.

The most memorable scene was the phone call that Liam growled his way through, warning the baddies what would happen to them if his daughter wasn’t returned.

It was bloody terrifying because we think of Neeson as that nice man from Love Actually. Aww.

So in homage to that, and not all because Taken 3 is out in January, Neeson has recreated that scene in a promo for the NBA game between the New York Knicks and the Washington Wizards on Christmas Day.

Poor John Wall is the unfortunate on the end of Liam’s message. We’re sure he’d look more concerned if Neeson wasn’t talking about the Knicks, who are about as terrifying as a bunch of Christmas elves at the end of a large turkey dinner.