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US Sports

24th Nov 2014

Video: 18,850 pairs of denim turn Levi’s Stadium into an actual ‘Field of Jeans’

People will come, Ray.

Conan Doherty

If you build it, they will come.

The alternative ending for Field of Dreams has just been released and it is not what you expected.

A fantastic charity campaign saw Bay Area residents in California  donate 18,850 pairs of denim jeans to Goodwill and they were lined on the pitch of Levi’s Stadium for a stunning awareness campaign by Levi’s themselves.

The ground, currently used by the San Francisco 49ers, was turned into a ‘Field of Jeans’ as the grass was smothered spectacularly in denim and you can watch all of the 16 hours work unfold – excuse the pun – before your eyes in this brilliant video.

Levi’s® Field of Jeans™ from Levi’s® Stadium on Vimeo.

