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US Sports

14th Jan 2015

GIF: Andrew Wiggins lands NBA’s craziest no-look basket in 16 years

Show-boating distilled to an art-form

Patrick McCarry

Andrew Wiggins ran the gauntlet of foolishness but came out unscathed

The Minnesota Timberwolves continue to tick along badly with Kevin Love, ever since the power forward skived off to play in Cleveland with LeBron Jones.

Last night, Mo Williams was their scoring star as he racked up 52 points for a career high total. Not to be completely out-done, his teammate, Wiggins, resurrected a show-boat move last seen in the NBA’s Slam Dunk competition of 1999.

Boston Celtic’s Dee Brown performed the no-look dunking feat, 16 years back, in an exhibition. Wiggins covered his face while sending a lay-up on its way. His team were one point up, with less than three minutes to play, when he got the risky basket. Timberwolves coach Flip Saunders must love working with the former University of Kansas star.

Victory improved the T-Wolves season record to a slightly less galling 6-31 [W/L].

Hat-tip to Dime Mag