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21st Jun 2024

Nicky Butt banned from driving after breaking motorcyclist’s leg in crash

Jack Peat

The ex-England international has been ordered to do 100 hours unpaid work 

Nicky Butt has been banned from driving for 12 months after he was involved in a horror car crash with a motorcyclist.

The ex-England international and Manchester United midfielder blamed a “momentary lapse of concentration” after he pulled out in front of a Honda motorbike in Burnley.

Butt had been taking his son to football training when the incident occurred.

Adam Fielding, 28, was left with a broken leg and other injuries, spending two weeks in hospital after the crash on October 17th 2022.

He also told reporters that he’d lost his job and struggles to walk due to the collision, saying Butt never reached out to him after it occurred.

“I have not heard anything from Nicky Butt”, Fielding told The Sun.

“If I had knocked someone from their bike, I would be making sure that person was looked after from the moment they got home.

“I’d be doing their shopping and making sure they are OK but I have not heard a word from him.”

Butt was today (21/6) banned from driving for 12 months and ordered to do 100 hours unpaid work at Blackburn Magistrates’ Court.

The ex-footballer told the court in a statement: “I could not be more sorry.”

He admitted to causing serious injury by careless driving at an earlier hearing, and was also ordered to pay a £140 government surcharge and £85 costs.