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27th Sep 2015

Cian Healy’s stunning, 60-metre spiral kick earns him a standing ovation

On the money

Patrick McCarry

Just what Ireland need – a bit of class up front.

Cian Healy played 49 minutes for Ireland today and, oh, what a 49 minutes they were.

The Leinster loosehead carried like a man possessed, played a slick part in Tommy Bowe’s opening try and tackled with the nearest part of his anatomy he could throw at the Romanians.


Having recently returned from shoulder surgery, Healy was eager to prove to Joe Schmidt that is is back to his best.

And what better way to do that than an impressive spiral kick that went 60 metres and found touch.

Healy last seven more minutes, whereupon he was called ashore by his coach.

As he strode to the Wembley touchline, every green-clad fan of the 89,267 attendees – a world record – rose as one to acclaim Church.

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