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27th Sep 2015

VIDEO: Boisterous Irish fans practiced scrums, mauls and lineouts outside Wembley today

Everybody thinks they're fecking Simon Zebo after today

Kevin McGillicuddy

There may have been some drink taken.

Ireland’s World Cup has run smoothly enough so far and we made it two wins from two this afternoon with a routine 44-10 victory over Romania.

Joe Schmidt’s side were roared onto victory by a Wembley stadium that saw over 89 thousand people crammed in up to the rafters in London.

And some fans were so taken by the devastating performance that they couldn’t leave the action inside the confines of the white lines.

They had to reenact the game with scrums, lineouts and mauls on the grass outside Wembley afterwards.

All that was missing was an old fashioned ‘Garryowen’ to make the game absolutely 100% Irish.

Some lad even has a whistle for God’s sake


Just a friendly game of rugby outside the stadium!

Posted by Edel Smyth on Sunday, September 27, 2015



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