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15th Mar 2015

VIDEO: Stone Cold Steve Austin talks CM Punk and names other WWE superstars that would do well in MMA

Spoiler alert, Rikishi doesn't make the list

Darragh Murphy

People are often too quick to write off professional wrestlers as glorified actors.

While that’s certainly true for a percentage of the WWE roster, some superstars are genuine athletes who would have flourished in other sports.

CM Punk (real name Phil Brooks) was signed by the UFC last year and is currently training for his MMA debut.

CM Punk

One of the most recognisable faces in the history of the WWE, Stone Cold Steve Austin, is a huge mixed martial arts fan and, speaking to MMA legend Bas Rutten on Inside MMA, revealed that he believes Punk will thrive under the UFC banner.

“I like what he brings to the ring,” he said. “Very controlled, very precise, great psychology. Half of the battle is being in an angle that grabs people and gets them in the building. CM Punk cuts a great promo.

“It remains to be seen. I’ll be cheering for him. It’s not like we’re best friends, but I’ll be wishing him well. I’ll be real excited to see his debut.”

Austin also reckons that CM Punk is not the only man who could make the crossover from sports entertainment to combat sport as he names a few former colleagues who he could see donning the 6 oz. gloves if things had played out differently.

Kurt Angle

“If it’s another day and age, Kurt Angle would have been a guy.

“I don’t know how the Undertaker would have done, but he’s a huge fan so you have to throw him in there.”

WWE Smackdown - Sydney