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11th Sep 2015

Sound man John Kavanagh reaches out to homeless teen to offer him an outlet in MMA

Classy gesture

Darragh Murphy

Just when you thought you couldn’t admire John Kavanagh any more, he goes and does this.

Conor McGregor’s head coach proved himself the perfect ambassador for mixed martial arts when he took to The Late Review with Tom McGurk last month to defend MMA and came across as articulate, composed, educated and professional.

Kavanagh can now add kindness to that list of character traits after he actively sought out a homeless teenager named Carlos Wolfe whose story appeared in yesterday’s Irish Mirror.

15-year-old Carlos had been forced to sleep rough in Phoenix Park while studying for his Junior Cert in which he earned seven honours.

Courageous Carlos spoke to Joe Duffy on Liveline yesterday and revealed how, after receiving his results, he told his mother: “I’m going to make something of myself, I know that.”

Kavanagh, Ireland’s first BJJ black belt, was so moved by the Wolfes’ story that he took to social media in an attempt to get in contact with the determined youngster.

After being given a phone number, Kavanagh revealed that he got through to Carlos and had made plans to meet up with the brave teenager and coach him in a beginner’s session.

What a guy!!