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31st Mar 2015

Pic: Definitive proof that Jose Aldo absolutely despises Conor McGregor

If looks could kill

Ben Kiely

It’s fair to say that no one is going to be more relieved when the UFC 189 World Tour is over than Jose Aldo.

If you’ve been keeping up to date with the UFC Embedded series, you’ll know that Conor McGregor’s psychological torture of Jose Aldo is beginning to take its toll on the champion.

The Notorious has constantly been abusing him verbally on the 12 day world tour to promote his fight with Aldo at UFC 189. McGregor has done pretty much everything he possibly could to annoy the Brazilian from taunting him with his own belt to saying that he can “smell his p****”.

However, their intense rivalry reached boiling point in Toronto when McGregor touched Aldo’s neck before going live on a chat show. As you can see from the photo below, it might have been the moment where Aldo finally snapped.

If looks could kill, McGregor would be six feet under by now.