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29th Dec 2017

Gabi Garcia’s apology for missing weight by staggering amount was uncomfortably emotional

She dropped to her knees and cried in the ring

Ben Kiely

Remarkably, a Gabi Garcia apology is actually more of an uncomfortable watch than a Gabi Garcia fight.

We think we speak for everyone when we say, we’re sick to our stomachs of seeing Gabi Garcia beating up 50-year-olds that she dwarfs. It’s really about time she picks on somebody her own size… and age.

One year after knocking out 50-year-old Yumiko Hotta, the heavyweight booked herself a bout against 53-year-old Shinobi Kandori at Rizin FF’s 2017 closer. Not only is there a two-decade age difference, but Kandori’s last bout was 17 years ago. When the Japanese fighter was winning a bronze medal at the 1984 Judo World Championships. Garcia had just celebrated her first birthday.

Thankfully, the fight fell through after Garcia completely botched her weight cut.

Garcia tipped the scales at just under 237 lbs, a staggering over the agreed upon limit. Kandori came in at 162lbs, meaning Garcia had a whopping 75 lb advantage over her vastly older opponent two days before fight night. So the fight that never should have been booked was scrapped.

Garcia showed up at Rizin FF’s end of year event to apologise to the fans for her embarrassing attempt at making weight. Through tearful eyes, she proceeded to give one of the most bizarre apologies in the history of combat sports.

“I just say sorry about this. It’s first time this happened in my life, but (I had) problems three weeks before the fight. I think I recover but my first training here, my nose is with blood, and my blood pressure, I know.”

“I respect her, I respect my opponent, she’s a legend here. I’m so sad. I cry a lot. I need to say sorry for all my fans in Japan. I love you guys and sorry Sakakibara-san, Takada, sorry and I challenge you for next year, for a good weight. I hope you accept fight with me next year. I’m so sorry Japan. I love you guys and I’m back more strong than ever.”

If you managed to make it through that, you may as well stay for the rest. Garcia proceeded to drop to her knees to sell the apology more.

“Thank you, Japan. I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. Please, looking for next year I’m back more strong than ever. Everybody has more problems in life and I’m a normal girl, I’m human. Please, I just respect you guys and I love fighting here. I’m so sorry, Japan.”

Apologies don’t come much more horribly uncomfortable than that.