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19th Oct 2015

Donald Cerrone says he felt like he was a caged animal being poked by Conor McGregor

Cowboy's chasing his red panty night

Ben Kiely

It’s been almost two months since Conor McGregor tore everyone to shreds at the UFC GO BIG event, but it’s still fresh in Donald Cerrone’s memory.

McGregor talked about going up to lightweight or “stuck in the mud” division at the event, where he claimed he would have easy fights against slower opponents. He cited “Cowboy” as one of the fighters who he would happily defeat, while granting them a “red panty night” payday.

Cerrone admitted to MMA Fighting that the Notorious’ trash talk got under his skin at the event.

“That was ‘McNugget’ trying to talk to me. When we stood face-to-face prior to that? He had nothing to say.”

“I felt like I was an exhibit at the zoo and the cage was put up so he could poke the bear through the cage. When he was standing next to the bear he didn’t have anything to say. That’s what it felt like. I would have mauled his ass back there.”

Cerrone, known for his tendency to take any opportunity to fight, also revealed he does not understand the reasoning behind fighters withdrawing from fights.

“I don’t understand why these guys pull out of fights. Don’t want to take fights. Only fight once a year. Maybe they’re making a lot more [than I am]. Maybe they’re making ‘McGregor money.’ That’s what I need to get.”

“Funny thing is, once you’re making McGregor money, seven million, I would still fight six times a year. Now I’m making six times … that’s just a mathematical equation that I want my right pocket as big as my left pocket.”