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13th Nov 2016

Dana White talks about Conor McGregor fighting at Croke Park for the 11th time

All those other promises worked out great...

Conan Doherty

What’s the problem with having 100,000 people attend what would be the biggest UFC event ever?

What’s the delay? If there are issues, sort them out. If there are hoops, jump through them.

But Dana White has gone and done it to us again even though we promised we wouldn’t let him. That’s right, Croke Park…

After UFC 205, during the post-fight press conference, White said that the home of the GAA has been suggested as a possible UFC venue. Again.

“Nobody walks out of the octagon and says that they want to turn right around and fight again,” White said of McGregor’s enthusiasm before discussing what’s next.

“We talk about Croke Park, we’ve been talking about that forever.”

We know you’ve been talking about it forever – so either shit or get off the pot.

It’s strange that Dana White and the UFC wouldn’t want to cash in on McGregor at the peak of his powers. He could fill a stadium in uncharted, uncivilised land never mind back home in his own country’s capital. Pay Per View customers would watch it whenever but, rather than just getting the thing done, the company’s president continues to put stipulations on the idea: If McGregor can do this and if that happens and if three more fights pass we’ll look at it.

On top of all that, Dana White has promised to deliver the UFC to Croke Park on too many occasions now and people are growing impatient.

It’s a movement at this stage.


The possibility opened up even before the Alvarez fight.

Speaking with Colin Cowherd, White told the sports presenter that the fines issued to Nate Diaz and Conor McGregor by the Nevada Athletic Commission will put the pair off wanting to ever fight in Las Vegas again.

“You’re going to try and fine this kid and Nate that much money, it just makes people not want to come fight in our state,” White said. “That’s not a good thing.

“And guess what? Conor McGregor doesn’t need Nevada. He can fight anywhere. He can fight in Iowa. We could put his fight on an island off the coast of anywhere.”

McGregor could fight anywhere, we know that. So bring him to bloody Ireland already – not Iowa. We’re only asking because you promised.

Dana White and other figureheads have consistently belied, “we will do Croke Park.” Then we heard it again. And again. And again and again and again.

And, still, we wait.

1. Garry Crook says if McGregor beats Siver, he could be fighting in Dublin

“Talks have taken place over the prospect of hiring Croke Park or the Aviva Stadium for a possible world title fight against the Brazilian champion Jose Aldo next summer.”

Outcome: McGregor fought Chad Mendes. In Las Vegas.

2. Dana White says if McGregor beats Siver, he could be fighting in Dublin

Outcome: McGregor fought Chad Mendes. In Las Vegas.

3. Stadium Director says if McGregor beats Aldo, he could be fighting in Dublin

“We are hoping for Conor to win and then he’d take a defence to Croke Park. We’ve had discussions to that effect with the UFC,” said Croke Park Stadium Director, Peter McKenna.

Outcome: McGregor fought Chad Mendes. Then he fought Aldo. Both were in Las Vegas. Then he fought Diaz twice. Both were in Las Vegas.

4. Dana White says if McGregor beats Aldo, he could be fighting in Dublin

Outcome: McGregor fought Chad Mendes. His next three fights were in Las Vegas.

5. GAA president says McGregor can have Croke Park when he wants it

“Certainly we need to discuss with Conor when he wants to fight and when he wants the venue,” said Aogan Ó Fearghail.

Outcome: Pending.

6. Conor McGregor says if he beats Aldo, he could be fighting in Dublin

Outcome: Three more fights will have taken place in America since then.

7. Dana White says if McGregor beats Mendes and Aldo, he could be fighting in Dublin

Outcome: McGregor beat Mendes and Aldo. He fought Nate Diaz in Las Vegas.

8. Dana White says if McGregor beats Aldo, he could be fighting in Dublin

“If he beats Jose Aldo in Las Vegas in December, the next fight will be at Croke Park.”

Outcome: McGregor beat Aldo. His next fight was not at Croke Park.

9. Conor McGregor says if he beats Aldo, he could be fighting in Dublin

Outcome: The Aviva?

10. Dana White says, if McGregor beats Aldo, “we will do Croke Park.”

Outcome: Conor McGregor beat Aldo. Dana White starts talking about Iowa.

11. Dana White says, “we talk about Croke Park”.

After McGregor beat Alvarez and clinched his second UFC belt, the president says what we already know too well:

“We’ve been talking about Croke Park forever,” he said.

Outcome: We’ll wait to see what he says after the next even in America.

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