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27th Feb 2016

Conor McGregor’s kicking is “pretty weak” according to this Muay Thai legend

"McGregor couldn't beat me"

Darragh Murphy

Conor McGregor loves a flashy kick but Muay Thai legend Saenchai is not convinced by them.

You may not have heard of Saenchai PKSaenchaimuaythaigym but the 35-year-old is one of the all-time greats of Muay Thai.

The Bangkok fighter has over 300 fights on his record and his technique is such that he’s been invited to train at Montreal’s famous Tristar gym by MMA icon Georges St-Pierre.

Saenchai recently spoke to Sean Fagan about the biggest superstar in MMA right now, Conor McGregor, and he was firmly critical of the kicks of the Irishman.

“He’s pretty quick and agile,” he said. “He’s got pretty good hands. His punches are hard and accurate.

“His kicks are not that great. His kicks are just quick and his hands are the real weapon. The timing of his punches are good. His counter punching is really good, he can really do damage with his counter punching. Yeah, his kicking is pretty weak.”

Conor McGregor with Denis Siver 18/1/2015

And who would win in a stand-up battle between Saenchai and ‘The Notorious’? The Thai fighter is in no doubt.

“Well, bring it on. I would win,” he said. “I would definitely win. If he were to stand and trade with me I wouldn’t have to do much.

“I would just teep and kick. I would just have to block or evade his punches. I would not worry about his kicking at all. My kicking is way better. If he and I were to fight, McGregor couldn’t beat me.”