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18th Jan 2015

Golfer Robert Allenby says he was kidnapped in Hawaii

Australian was 'robbed and dumped in a park'

Gareth Makim

Robert Allenby has claimed he was the victim of a brutal kidnapping and robbery during his stay in Hawaii for the Sony Open.

The Australian was at a wine bar on Friday evening after missing the cut at the PGA event, and says he was abducted, beaten and robbed before being deposited in a park seven miles from his hotel.

A military veteran reportedly helped the groggy 43-year-old and returned him to his hotel where he began to piece together the incident.

Allenby posted the above photo of his injuries, and later told the Associated Press: ‘I didn’t think I was going to survive this one.

‘I was separated from my friend (Anthony Puntoriero) in the bar after we had paid the tab at 10:48 p.m., and he went to the bathroom and next thing you know I’m being dumped in a park miles away.

‘I only know this part because a homeless woman found me and told me she saw a few guys pull up and throw me out of the car. That is where I got the scrapes above my eye from the sidewalk.’

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