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17th May 2016

Darren Clarke reveals why he wants Jurgen Klopp’s help at the Ryder Cup

What's hook and fade in German?

Kevin McGillicuddy

Jurgen Klopp is not a man we can imagine on the golf course.

You’d have to think a guy who gets exasperated at seeing Alberto Moreno and Lucas misplace passes would not be able for when his ball might drop in a bunker or a water trap from the tee.

However, it seems as if his powers of motivation will be used on a golf course this year at the Ryder Cup.

Europe Captain Darren Clarke is a hardcore Liverpool fan, and while Paul McGinley asked Alex Ferguson to speak to his team the last event at Gleneagles, Clarke is going to call on the German for some advice for his team in the USA this September.

“Jürgen Klopp is definitely one of the guys I want to speak to, especially as a Liverpool fan myself. He’s an absolute livewire isn’t he? He’s a bundle of energy and that sort of thing can be infectious. He’s obviously very passionate and a terrific motivator so I want to pick his brains a bit.

ryder cup

Clarke was at Sawgrass last week where he met with several European players who are likely to be part of his team in the autumn.

The Ulster man is hoping to continue Europe’s recent success in the competition and is also considering asking Paul O’Connell to have a word with his selected men.

“Kenny Dalglish is someone else I’ll seek out. Sir Alex Ferguson was such an inspirational figure at Gleneagles that I’d love to have him on board again. I’ll look into whether he’s free that week, and check out the possibility of flying him over with us.

“But I’ll be talking to a bunch of people over a whole range of sports. Clive Woodward is another guy who would be very interesting on the team dynamic and the former Ireland and Lions captain Paul O’Connell is another one.”

The 2016 Ryder cup gets underway at Hazeltine from 27 September 27th until 2 October and while we can’t see Klopp tuning in, if we see a group hug, or Clarke going bonkers, we know who could be responsible.


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