There’s a simple test you can take to see if you’re a club player.
Some people would ask simply if you play for a club and leave it at that but this way is much more fun. And much more depressing.
You just have to ask a few questions:
- Do you know when your season ends?
- Do you know when your next three games will be played?
- Do you know when the championship starts?
- Do you know what weekends you have free?
If you’ve answered no to all of these, I’m sorry to tell you that it’s bad news. You have a fatal condition known as: Club Player.
The next few months are going to be hard work. You’re going to have late nights and early mornings and your body and mind are going to be put through the ringer. Ultimately, we can only prolong the season though and try to make you as comfortable as possible.
Congress royally shafted club players everywhere this weekend.
The introduction of the Super 8 format for the quarter-finals have increased the fixtures for that round by 200 per cent. And here’s the kicker, they’ve given themselves three less weeks to do it by bringing the All-Ireland final forward.
They denied the CPA a right to speak and none of the issues that people actually wanted and needed addressed were even touched upon. None of them.
As Rory Kavanagh put it, all it did was ‘pull the wool over our eyes’.
But the ‘lifeblood of the GAA’ will no longer tolerate it. A movement has started. They are coming together, uniting and they will be heard.
In a brilliant video by the Club Players Association, players from all over the country are having their voices heard and rallying a call-to-arms for everyone to join them.
North men, south men, comrades all. Dublin, Belfast, Cork and Donegal…