I hope ye’ve bought yere tickets lads. €20 a pop. They’ve a DJ and all. Bring yere dancing shoes too. Because I’ll tell you something lads, and you can take this to the bank, they’ll need someone to lighten that f*cking party up when they lose.
Let’s see what that DJ’s made of then.
Just spit-balling here but if for some reason Padraic Joyce’s pre-match team-talk doesn’t follow those lines then, well, it goes without saying, we’d be very, very, very disappointed. Very disappointed.
It’s a tap-in. An open goal. It’s already written for him.
From a GAA perspective, the siege mentality is a tale as old as time and, in advertising their ‘Post Match Party’ for this weekend, a Sunday night celebration in D Two night-club, it’s fair to say that Kerry have done Joyce’s donkey work for him. The writing is on the dressing room wall.
Traditionally, GAA managers don’t need much to run with.
They’re the masters of twisting and turning and spinning something harmless into a perceived slight about their team, and using it, to absolute perfection, to rev their players up to the extent that they’d run through walls if they have to.
And it usually works too.
Let’s not forget that classic clip in A Year ‘Til Sunday, that iconic documentary of Galway’s 1998 triumph, when John O’Mahony holds up a newspaper and reads it out to his team. Fancy Dans he says. A nice team. “There’s only f*cking answer for that lads.”
There was, and Galway’s answer was to go on and win the whole thing out.
You'd have to think there'll be an "Only one f*cking answer for that lads" from Padraic Joyce this weekend https://t.co/wNNKmZ1ZMK pic.twitter.com/eqk08WPVDY
— GAA JOE (@GAA__JOE) July 21, 2022
Back to the point, Kerry’s official Twitter account revealed details of their post-match party on Friday afternoon and, quick as a flash, they were lit upon not just by blood-thirsty Galway fans but also by Gaels all over.
As a riposte, Kerry people are saying that they have the post-match party every year.
“Just to say that we have always had an ‘after party’ win or lose it’s all about showing support for our players regardless of the result,” was how the official Twitter account put it.
But you know how it goes, you know that old saying – if you’re in a hole, stop digging.
The FootballJOE quiz: Were you paying attention? – episode 10

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