How could any woman resist the sexy charms of Marty Morrissey?
We don’t believe it. We just do not believe that any woman, let alone a supermodel of the über kind, could pass up the chance to chat to Ireland’s sexiest GAA commentator from Clare. But it’s true.
And the man himself has confirmed it.
According to Marty Morrissey he had an encounter with Cindy Crawford in 2004, but not quite of the close kind that the GAA legend might have been hoping for.
He told the Irish Independent that he spotted the American supermodel in the distance at the Olympics in Athens that year, and ever the journalist thought he might try and grab an interview with her for RTE.
So being Marty he cut straight to the chase, no messing around, just go for it.
‘Cindy, Cindy, Marty Morrissey, Irish television. We’re from Ireland’,
Marty must have thought he was about to have all his dreams come true when the model turned around and said: ‘Hi, I love Ireland’… before departing swiftly in the opposite direction.
We imagine Marty’s face was like poor Ralph Wiggum’s
Marty realised the error of his ways and described the failed attempt as “the worst chat-up line I ever had, I never used it again.”
If you feel like doing a facepalm on Marty’s behalf go ahead.
He understands.