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01st Jun 2015

American hurling club produce video to introduce Yanks to the game

Hurling 101 for our American brethren


“If hockey and lacrosse got married and had a baby, and then surgically grafted some baseball, soccer and handball onto its body, it might look like this”.

So say Green Bridge hurling club, of Maine in the USA, in the caption of this video, which is proving popular with Reddit users, attempting to introduce the uninitiated to the fastest field game around.

The video breaks down hurling in a neat package, acting as a good introduction to the sport for our American brethren, covering the game’s history, rules and skill required to play.

The video also explains that one is allowed to make heavier contact in hurling than in soccer, so all Green Bridge hurling club need to do now is explain the rules of soccer to Americans to put that in context.

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