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05th Jan 2015

Yaya Toure going to great lengths to ‘hide’ from female admirers

Manchester City star just wants a quiet life

Gareth Makim

Not content with the many eligible bachelors plying their trade in professional football, wannabe WAGs are forcing happily married Yaya Toure to go to great lengths to discourage their advances.

The Manchester City midfielder has admitted he is constantly harassed by female admirers, despite doing everything he can to fend them off.

They are so persistent that Toure has to keep changing his phone number in order to get some peace.

The Ivory Coast international reportedly told a magazine in his home country that he really just wants a quiet life.

‘I hide,’ he said. ‘In order to escape them you have to change your phone number regularly as they’ve all got good contacts. But you can’t live without a phone as there are things to deal with every day.

‘Sometimes I wonder what’s going through girls’ heads. It’s embarrassing. There was one who openly courted me. It was really shocking! She asked for my phone number and I gave her a wrong number in order to get away from her.

‘I escape from them. I’m married. My wife is enough for me. I like peace and that’s my way of living.’

Jaysus, girls, give the guy a break.

[h/t Mirror]

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WAGs,Yaya Toure