Even if he eluded the police officer, he was always going to get caught.
One thief found his crime broadcast to millions of viewers when he seemingly attempted to steal a handbag in France.
A Euro 2016 piece-to-camera on Sky Sports Italia was disrupted when a criminal was filmed sprinting past reporter Angelo Mangiante, closely pursued by a police officer.
The sport report quickly turned into a live-action crime report as Mangiante updated his viewers that the thief had been apprehended just off screen.
@ReteSport @francescaferraz @FuffoBernardini e mentre parlavamo @angelomangiante… pic.twitter.com/1o3zVeI4Cy
— Daniele Lo Monaco (@DanieleLoMonaco) June 20, 2016
Crime doesn’t pay, kids. And it can make you look a right eejit if you do it on live television.