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08th Oct 2016

WATCH: Jurgen Klopp’s secret hobby couldn’t be less Jurgen Klopp

Complete with the revelation that he went on a school exchange trip to Luton

Rob Burnett

Some people can make anything look cool.

Some people just have an effortless self-assurance that oozes from every pore.

Jurgen Klopp is such a man. The German coach has that charisma, that magnetism, that aura.

He always seems so genuine – you feel like you are always seeing the real man, not a polished, conceived veneer. You feel like he doesn’t really care what you think, but that makes you all the more enthral to him.

And now it has been revealed that he has a surprise passion – besides genepressing and heavy metal.

Yes, Jurgen the ultra cool, hipsters favourite football coach, is a big fan of green bowls.

But perhaps the most shocking revelation from this video is that a 16-year-old Klopp spent two weeks on a school exchange trip to Luton.

Did anyone know this? People of Luton: do you remember a gangly, bespectacled, grinning young Jurgen arriving in your town in 1983 with a textbook on football tactics tucked under his teenage arm and a Sony Walkman clipped to his belt?

Did he stay in YOUR house?

These are details WE NEED TO KNOW.

Meanwhile, some choice quotes from the video above?

“Lets. Play. Bowls.”

“Come on Leslie!”

“We killed a worm.”


Classic Klopp.

The GAA Hour pays tribute to the unbeatable Dubs and ask where did it all go wrong for Mayo in the All-Ireland final replay. Listen below or subscribe on iTunes.

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