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09th Sep 2015

VIDEO: Wayne Rooney tried to dispel Boring James Milner phenomenon with “funny” anecdote

We didn't laugh

Darragh Murphy

We suppose you had to be there.

Wayne Rooney didn’t exactly put to rest the continued online suggestion that James Milner has a very literal sense of humour.

One of the most followed Twitter accounts in football belongs to the fictitious “Boring James Milner” which features rather to-the-point posts that make the Liverpool midfielder’s life out to be quite monotonous.

Rooney tried to make out that his international teammate is a bit of a joker, though, with this “side-splitting” anecdote about what Milner said to him when he broke Bobby Charlton’s goalscoring record on Tuesday night.

We presume that the camera just didn’t pick up the tumbleweed that almost certainly rolled past.

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