‘Free love on the free love freeway’
We just don’t get to write  enough about one of our favourite TV shows of all time here at SportsJOE, but thanks to Jamie Carragher and Ed Chamberlin our time to shine has now come.
The Liverpool man and Gary Neville are on Monday Night football duty tonight as usual, but Carra’s not a fan of Gary’s pre work attire as it reminds him of a certain character from ‘The Office.’
Presenter Chamberlin tweeted a picture before hand of Neville plucking at a guitar wearing a black T-shirt, and that had the former Liverpool man thinking of a certain office manager from Slough by the name of David Brent
@GNev2 warming up for MNF #DavidBrent pic.twitter.com/1ciJglpjK5
— Ed Chamberlin (@chamberlinsport) May 11, 2015
Like Brent wearing black to hide the weight. https://t.co/9ce6fsBReR
— Jamie Carragher (@Carra23) May 11, 2015
We’re finding it hard to disagree.
Even Finchy would think this is top banter.