You won’t fit that in a brown envelope.
Sepp Blatter in is the final months as President of Fifa. The 79 year old has promised to step aside early next year, and will leave behind a lavish expense account, five star hotels and restaurants and regularly meeting some of the world’s most powerful politicians.
But Sepp shouldn’t worry, as he now has a cow to keep him company in his retirement.
The head of world football’s governing body today hosted his annual charity tournament in Ulrichen, his hometown in Switzerland, and was naturally presented with a cow called Colombo.
Sepp Blatter was given a cow at the Sepp Blatter Tournament in his hometown. FIFA bribery getting more brazen.
— Brooks Peck (@BrooksDT) August 22, 2015
In Sepp’s long career as a
dark lord of the sith football administrator, we doubt he’s ever received a gift like this.
H/T Bleacher Report.