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23rd May 2016

Senseless Rangers statement released after Cup final mayhem literally beggars belief

This is real??

Darragh Murphy

Everybody is getting carried away with the blame game because the Rangers fans who took to the Hampden pitch on Saturday were clearly there just to protect their players.

They didn’t want any trouble!

Not buying it?

Rangers v Hibernian - William Hill Scottish Cup Final

Well that’s what’s being alleged in the statement released by Rangers in the wake of the pandemonium that followed the Scottish Cup final last weekend.

“We acknowledge that a tiny minority of Rangers fans also encroached on the pitch but only after having been faced with prolonged and severe provocation and in order to protect our players and officials who were being visibly attacked in front of them. Any club’s supporters would have done the same.”

The statement is nothing short of bizarre as the Glasgow club point the finger wholly at Hibs’ supporters for provoking the Rangers fans into taking to the pitch.

“These fans were allowed to rush, unchecked, towards Rangers supporters at the opposite end of the stadium – all the while goading and threatening them. This makes it preposterous to suggest Rangers fans were somehow to blame as some commentators appear anxious to do.”

Not content to just blame the Hibs fans, Rangers extraordinarily singled out certain reporters’ coverage and comments around the incident.

“BBC employees, in particular Stuart Cosgrove, believe Rod Petrie’s comments to be ‘balanced’ and others speak of a ‘minority’ of Hibernian supporters. Another, Tom English, who was not even at the match, would prefer the authorities to focus on Rangers fans’ reaction.”

You’d genuinely be excused for struggling to believe that this is an actual statement, appearing on Rangers’ actual website, but it is.

And you can read the whole thing right here.


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