Still a team player.
Demba Ba suffered a potentially career ending injury on Sunday playing for Shanghai Shenhua. The former Newcastle United and Chelsea striker, and destroyer of Steven Gerrard’s dreams, tangled with an opposition defender, lost his balance, and broke both his tibia and fibula.
The footage of the injury isn’t for the faint of heart, and the x-ray showed the full extent of the damage to the striker’s left leg.
The 31-year-old was immediately taken to hospital, placed under general anaesthesia, and woke a few hours later in considerable pain.
According to medical staff, the first thing Ba asked was: “Did we win the game?”
The team won 2-1, but Gregorio Manzano, Shenhua’s manager, has said the injury could spell the end of the striker’s career.
“It could end Ba’s professional career. I would rather lose the game than lose Ba. God is unfair. Ba is too good to have this happened to him.”
Hopefully the striker can overcome the setback and play again at some point in the future.
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