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26th Mar 2024

You have just four minutes to complete this tough Premier League quiz


Lucky charms.

We have a great Premier League quiz that will really test you, and leave more than a few scratching their head.

In the history of the Premier League, which launched in August 1992 as the souped-up version of the old Barclays First Division, there have been 10 players to have won league titles with different clubs.

We are asking you to name all 10 players, and we are giving you four minutes to get all the right answers. As we’re sound, full names or surnames are both acceptable as answers.

Good luck.

If the quiz (above) did not fully display for you, play it HERE.

If you enjoyed that football quiz, please do head to our Quiz Section to take on another few.

If you want to double-check your answers, here is the full list of Premier League winners.

Related links:

The FootballJOE quiz: Were you paying attention? – episode 10