We’ve heard of ‘tighty whiteys’ but not tighty green, white and orangey’s
If you couldn’t manage to find some item of green clothing today to wrap around you then shame on you. We hope that St Patrick himself rises from the dead and banishes you to the same place that he sent those pesky snakes. If you had the day off then there is absolutely no excuse for not finding a few euro to buy some brightly coloured green spectacles or some tacky street merchandise the most lurid emerald colour you ever did see.
March the 17th of course is a national holiday here but across the water Premier League footballers of Irish heritage are struggling their way through a normal day at work. So that makes it a bit tricky to be able to show some national pride. But wily old Paul McShane has figured out a classy way to mark our national day with these frankly disturbingly small underwear.
The Hull defender posted the picture to his Instagram account and it’s probably the most shocking thing we’ve seen today – even worse than the scenes on Grafton Street about an hour ago in fact.