Oh dear.
The atmosphere at Manchester City’s Ethihad Stadium can be flat sometimes. There’s a general hum, intermittently punctuated by cries of ‘City, City’ or ‘Ser-gio, Ser-gio’, then back to the hum.
A bit like an elderly man napping in an armchair, snoring and occasionally mumbling.
But, in fairness, the atmosphere at most Premier League games is hardly Boca Junior-esque, and at least City can fill their stadi… Oh, maybe not.
There were so few City fans in this stand at kick-off in today’s game against West Brom this banner didn’t have it’s intended effect. Instead it was limply passed across the crowd, and it’s hard to even make out what the banner is displays.
City do have the fourth highest average attendance in the Premier League this season, recording on average 45,454 per game at the Etihad, so maybe it was just poor banner displaying co-ordination. Or fans weren’t too pushed to make the kick-off.
Hat-tip Bleacher Report.