We’re not sure if even Messi can make this look good.
We like to think we’re somewhat fashion conscious here at SportsJOE and we’re not adverse to wearing a pink shirt the odd time or even turning up the ends of our jeans to make us look really cool and hip.
But we may have to draw the line at purchasing the new look Barcelona kit for next season after pictures of the Nike kit for 2015/16 were leaked this morning.
The new strip is certainly eye-catching but this may not quite be for the reason hoped for. The jersey breaks with years of tradition by going for horizontal stripes on the home jersey instead of the much loved and feared vertical stripes. Traditionalist Barca fans were not one bit happy when this idea emerged before Christmas so the reaction now should be interesting.
The away strip is also a bit controversial with the club going for some kind of mustard/orange colour including four red stripes on the back to represent the flag of Catalunya.
We’re not so sure Nike should have tampered with a classic
H/T to Sport