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16th Nov 2018

Philly McMahon and hundreds of Irish people see the irony of Gary Lineker’s Brexit tweet


Gary Lineker wants his country back.

The Englishman is watching with dismay as the United Kingdom descends into chaos.

Brexit negotiations are promising nothing but bleakness for the greater British community and they’re being met with nothing but resistance and resignations as Theresa May stumbles from one press conference to another trying to clean up the mess that was left behind for her but a mess which, to be fair, she ripped out the floorboards in attempt to mop up.

Of course, there’s just a little bit of irony in Lineker’s desires.

On Thursday night, the Republic of Ireland played Northern Ireland in the most predictably dull 0-0 draw but the political tension in the air was what set an otherwise forgettable night apart.

Booing anthems, booing players and disrespectful flags.

Whilst Arlene Foster finds unforgivable fault in a Brexit deal that sees Northern Ireland come off the best out of everyone, the idea of a United Ireland which was actually – briefly – looking more and more likely seems further and further away because of the DUP and because of sections of football fans on both sides.

Ireland fan pins tricolour to back of Northern Ireland bus carrying Parachute Regiment flag

But Gary Lineker’s pining for his country to regain control – and, most importantly, his wording – was jumped all over by Irish men and women on Thursday with a lot of sports people chiming in too.

You want your country back, Gary?

And the streams of replies continued to come.

And on and on and on and on.

Until Philly McMahon just said it best with a noise, rather than a word.

Hey, world, Great Britain wants their country back.

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Gary Lineker