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18th Oct 2016

No, Jamie Carragher wasn’t arrested outside Anfield last night

As you were

Rob Burnett

CARRAGHER ARRESTED! the front pages didn’t scream this morning, despite the images doing the rounds on Twitter last night of the ex-Liverpool defender being strong-armed by a policeman.

Our chief football writer Tony Barrett spotted Carra apparently selling t-shirts outside Anfield last night before the borefest game of Mournihoball between Liverpool and Manchester United that finished 0-0.

Now, after a full career playing for one of the richest clubs in the world, followed by his successful career as a pundit for Sky Sports, you wouldn’t think that Carra would need the money from peddling dodgy gear outside a football ground.

And you’d be right.

But after a while, the long arm of the law appeared…

… and the officer asked to see Carra’s licence.

“No I didn’t need one – I’m king of Anfield,” came the reply from the former defender.

He goes on to tell the copper that the tops “fell off the back of a lorry” before plod – an Evertonian – obligingly grabs him, presumably ready to frogmarch him down Letsby Avenue.

But, fear not, our brave MNF pundit was not really arrested. It was all a publicity stunt for a clothing brand (which you can find online if you search hard enough).

So no night in the cells for Carra – though that might have been preferable to having to watch Jose Mourinho suck every last ounce of joy out of the game last night.

Catch up with the latest episode of Football Friday Live:

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