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26th Jan 2015

Irish players are transferred much younger than anyone else and more interesting facts from Fifa’s transfer report

The real winners here are Mr and Mrs 15%


Some of these figures are just staggering

FIFA’s Global Transfer Market report has some interesting facts about the world of football transfers.

The extremely lengthy report examines the patterns and trends that have developed in the international transfer market over 2013 from a global, regional and country-level perspective.

We’ve gone deep into the report so you don’t have to and come up with some of the most interesting facts.

  • Irish players have the lowest average age of players transferred internationally: 21 years and 7 months, almost 4 years younger than the international average

  • 12,309 transfers were completed in 2013

  • January 31st was the busiest day for transfers, with over 300 transfers completed

  • Ireland transferred 28 players to England in 2013, with an average age of only 18 years and two months

  • Overall the number of players leaving Ireland to head overseas was down 36% on 2012

  • Brazil were the most active country in the market

  • England was the markets biggest spender with $913 million (€810.4 million).

  • Total spend on transfers in 2013 was $3.7 billion (€3.28 billion) which is a staggering 41% increase on 2012

It’s a nice time to be an agent.

Written by Michael Dodd Kinsella.


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