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20th Apr 2015

GIF: This referee is our new hero as he uses his red card to frighten off furious players

We need to see more of this

Darragh Murphy

With all this talk of footballers surrounding and intimidating referees, we would like to advocate for more of this behaviour.

This referee in Morocco used his red card like a cardboard pistol as he brandished it to scare off the aggressive players that were hassling him during a game between Al Ahly’s and Moghreb Tétouan.

He has that steely look of “it’s up to you how this plays out” about him as he stares down the frenzied players before they disperse and he sheathes it.

We’re not in the habit of making Thug Life videos but if ever a clip was crying out for it…

WATCH: Liverpool BOTTLED the title race 🤬 | Who will win the Premier League?

