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03rd May 2015

GIF: This gruesome Bundesliga injury will give you a newfound appreciation for your legs

Warning: Extremely graphic

Ben Kiely

If you’re in any way squeamish, it might be an idea to click out of this article immediately.

FC Mainz defender Elkin Soto fell victim to one of the most horrific football injuries of the season against Hamburg on Sunday.

A bobbling ball fell in the path of the Colombian midfielder, who wound up to fire a shot towards goal. Unfortunately, a Hamburg player came rushing in out of nowhere to try to block the shot.

Soto ended up missing the ball completely and absolutely walloped the opposition player with a kick. However, it was Soto who came off the worse as his leg connected with such force that he ended up breaking his tibia and fibula. This caused his leg to collapse completely and wrap around the opposing player like a limp noodle.

If you’ve got a strong stomach, check out the horrifying incident below.

Hat-tip to Reddit

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