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03rd May 2016

Gary Lineker’s ex-wife tweets an image of what he might look like on MOTD in his pants

Not sure he'll look quite as good as this...

Richard Beech

It was a hell of a night for Gary Lineker.

He witnessed his beloved Leicester win the Premier League, which still sounds like something from a dream, after Spurs failed to beat Chelsea at Stamford Bridge.

And while they will be partying in Leicester deep into the night (we expect there to be a fair few people calling in sick tomorrow), Lineker will be thinking forward to this weekend’s Match of the Day.

The pundit famously said that he would present the show in his underpants if Leicester won the league, such was his certainty that they wouldn’t pull it off.

But they’ve done it, and by his own promise, Lineker must now present Match of the Day in his tighty whiteys.

And his ex-missus Danielle Bux tweeted a helpful photoshop to illustrate what that might look like.

Now…no offence to Gary, but we’re not expecting to see rippling muscles and a six pack on this weekend’s Match of the Day – he’d do well to match up to that image.

Anyhow, good luck, Gary!
Click snap

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