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14th Nov 2016

Cristiano Ronaldo leads epic mannequin challenge in most Cristiano Ronaldo way ever

Only Ronaldo...

Rob Burnett

The mannequin challenge is the new craze taking the internet and social media by storm.

Essentially you all just stop still and hold a pose while someone goes around and films you on a mobile phone.

The craze, which is believed to have been kicked off by American high school students, has been taken up by sports teams across the world, and even politicians, with Hilary Clinton’s full campaign team taking part in a version while on board a flight the day before the US election last week.

And now the Portugal team have joined in and decided to do their own ahead of their 2018 World Cup qualifier against Latvia on Sunday.

The Euro 2016 champs do the usual thing: people stopped in mid conversation, others pointing at something and so on.

Except Cristiano Ronaldo. Not for him a standard stance, mixed in with the crowd. Instead, the Real Madrid superstar is front and centre, and naked, save for a very small pair of white pants that, in Daily Mail parlance, ‘leaves little to the imagination’.

Have a watch here, if you dare…

…and now try to claim your eye wasn’t drawn to a certain area. How many socks do you think he has down there?

Catch up with the latest episode of Football Friday Live here

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