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24th Nov 2015

Video: BT Sport reporter forgets she’s on live TV

At least she kept it clean


BT Sport presenter Reshmin Chowdhury had a moment that she’d wish to forget, live on TV.

The problem was that poor Reshmin didn’t realise that she was live on TV.

Standing on the touchline at Barcelona’s Nou Camp stadium, she can be seen getting a little tongue-tied as she introduces the match.

Clearly assuming that it was a rehearsal, she makes it known that she is frustrated with herself. Presumably prompted by a colleague from behind the camera, she quickly regains composure and continues.

Back in the studio, Gary Lineker saw the funny side of the incident.

“Thanks Reshmin – you even got to see her rehearsal. Live TV – things happen,” he remarked.

We’re mostly just impressed she kept it clean.

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