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30th Dec 2014

AUDIO: This year in Irish sport soundtrack makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up

What a year it's been


Carlsberg don’t do year’s in sport, but if they did…

From Kerry’s All-Ireland win to Kilkenny and Tipp’s epic hurling final to Katie Taylor and Conor McGregor via Brian O’Driscoll and Roy Keane it has truly been a memorable year for Irish sport.

And that’s not to mention Rory McIlroy, Andy Lee, Stephanie Roche, Ireland’s Six Nations victory or Bill O’Herlihy signing off for the final time.

Thankfully this brilliant audio montage pulls together all the most amazing and memorable moments in one stunning five minute package.

Sit back and enjoy. Warning: You may need a tissue handy.

With special thanks to David Sheehan.