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22nd Oct 2016

Arsene Wenger already has a sassy comeback prepared in case he ever meets God

Oscar Wilde would have been proud of this quote

Rob Burnett

Arsene Wenger is 67 years old today and he gets to celebrate by sending his Arsenal side out to face Middlesbrough in a Premier League tie (his cup really does runneth over).

The Frenchman has always been seen as a more thoughtful manager than most – a man who considers the meaning of life as much as he does his how to beat his opponent in the next fixture. Although maybe that’s just because he wore glasses when he first came to England back in 1996.

Either way, the Gunners boss is now marching on towards his 70th year – his great rival Sir Alex Ferguson packed it in at 71 – and he often faces questions about how long he will go on for.

But in an interview in the Guardian, Wenger admits the thought of stopping worries him.

But when his time does come, how will he reflect on his he has spent his life? He’s already thought of that:

“If God exists and one day I go up there and he will ask: ‘Do you want to come in? What have you done in your life?’ And the only answer I will have is: ‘I tried to win football games.’ He will say: ‘Is that all you have done?’ And the only answer I will have is: ‘It’s not as easy as it looks.’”

Superb work there, Arsene. Oscar Wilde would have been proud of that one.

We hope he has a good birthday – and that it’s a little better than his 56th, when this happened:

In the latest GAA Hour, we talk to Ken McGrath of Waterford and with Declan Brennan about a new club players’ association.

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