- Boy, were those hotel pillows comfortable last night.
- Five-star comfortable.
- Once you took the complimentary mint off them.
- Won’t make that mistake again, no sirree, no more chocolate hair for me.
- Who is fighting here?
- Other than the Russian, obviously.
- I know all about Vladimir Nikitin, reckon he could go all the way.
- Shit! I didn’t say that out loud, did I?
- No, you’re alright. Those lads with the green, white and gold flags are making a right racket anyway.
- Looking forward to some stunned silence and then some five-star hospitality.
- Right, they are touching gloves. Time to get my game face on.
- As in, pretend to be really concentrating on what is going on in the ring and making notes.
- I miss the big buttons – simpler times.
- Blue, red, blue, red, blue, red.
- Or, in this case, blue, blue, blue, blue.
- Ha!
- Fuck, this Conlan lad can box.
- Whose blood is that?
- Oh shit.
- At least some of the blood is getting on Conlan.
- Stop fucking hitting him, Conlan!
- Oh, I wish I was back in my comfy, comfy bed.
- Nice one ref, step in there. Wipe the blood off Conlan’s face – how are we to know where it comes from?
- Nikitin does not look like a champion.
- But he definitely won that round.
- 10-9. Nikitin.
- They don’t like that.
- What is a “shady langer”?
- Guessing it is not a compliment.
- Round 2…..
- Hmmm?
- …
- …
- Conlan. I think.
- If I tell the corner man that will he stop glaring at me?
- Maybe I’ll get room service tonight.
- Bar might be a bit risky.
- Thank god for this ref, keeps looking at Conlan as if he is hurt.
- He is not hurt, he is hurting.
- Hurting Nikitin.
- Who will not stop bleeding.
- Punch drunk Russian nearly fell on me!
- Stay in the ring, Buddy, or you will make my job very difficult.
- 10-9 Conlan.
- In fairness, he beat the living shit out of him.
- Should I wave at the Irish corner?
- Better not.
- This is going to get worse before it gets better.
- Comfy pillows, comfy pillows, comfy pillows.
- Move Nikitin, move!
- He looks like an extra from Game of Thrones.
- A dead extra.
- That’s filmed in Ireland, isn’t it?
- Always wanted to sit on the Iron Throne.
- Another dream dies.
- I won’t be visiting Ireland after this.
- I will be an outcast like the little dwarf fella.
- Peter Dinklage.
- He could beat this Russian.
- But obviously this Russian will beat Conlan.
- If he just manages to not die in the last 30 seconds.
- Would the organisers stump for room service for rest of competition?
- Could just stay in my room. With the pillows, a Game of Thrones boxset and some mints.
- 10-9 Nikitin.
- …
- Oh wow, everyone is angry.
- Except Nikitin.
- But that poor bastard doesn’t know day of the week it is.
- Is he sticking his fingers up at me?
- How rude.
- Taking his top off and haranguing the judges, no way to behave.
- Why does he have the Olympic rings tattooed on his chest?
- …
- …
- …
- Oh.
- I see.
- …
- …
- I’ve heard the hotel rooms in Tokyo are tiny.
- Should be okay.
- As long as they have nice pillows.
17th Aug 2016
83 thoughts Olympic boxing judge had during Michael Conlan’s defeat


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