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09th Nov 2014

Vine: You just can’t KO Bernard Hopkins

Knocking out Bernard Hopkins might actually be impossible.

Ben Kiely

Hands down, Bernard Hopkins has the best chin of any 49-year-old.

Sergey Kovalev out-boxed Bernard Hopkins over 12 rounds to become the unified light-heavyweight champion. Despite being outclassed by the Russian knockout artist, B-Hop showed that he still has an unbelievable chin.

Watch how the veteran defies the law of gravity by somehow remaining on his feet after eating a monstrous haymaker from Kovalev. We know this has been thrown around a lot in the build up to this fight but come on, he’s 49-YEARS-OLD! That’s insane!

When most people his age go through a mid-life crisis, they buy a convertible. They don’t try to fight the heaviest punchers on the planet over 12 rounds.