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21st Jan 2023

Liam Smith throws uppercut from the gods to stop Chris Eubank in fourth round

Lee Costello

Nobody saw that coming.

Liam Smith was the bookies’ underdog going into this fight, and nobody expected him to do what no one has ever done before – stop Chris Eubank Jr within 12 rounds.

The build up got particularly ugly, with some suggesting that Smith made homophobic remarks, and Eubank claiming that his opponent would often cheat on his wife, but finally we got right down to the boxing.

With the conditioning, stamina and energy that Eubank possesses many thought that this would go into the late rounds, and that he would eventually get the better of his Liverpudlian opponent.

Smith Eubank

However, Smith, who isn’t known for his knockout power but is known for his ring craft, skill, and silkiness, was able to pull off the unthinkable.

The first round gave away the scouser’s game plan pretty much straight away, he went in with a high guard, bouncing back and forth, feinting and choosing when to go in but being careful not to over-commit.

Eubank worked behind the jab, tried to fight on the back foot, lure his opponent in, and catch him with the counter through his longer arms and range.

In a cagey opening round Smith probably nicked it simply by being busier, but got static in the third and was caught with some powerful uppercuts.

It was teed up lovely going into the fourth with the fight just starting to open up and Smith backed Eubank into the corner, let his hands go, and connected with the most beautiful uppercut you will ever see.

Not taking time to admire his own work, he kept on throwing and eventually Eubank crashed to the floor before making the cardinal sin of jumping straight back up to his feet.

Clearly dazed, he rushed straight back in, instead of taking advantage of the 10-count and the Liverpool native didn’t need a second invitation to start throwing again.

Roy Jones Jr threw the towel in just as the referee was about to stop it anyway, but such was the disillusioned and damaged state that Eubank was in, he kept squaring up to Smith, thinking that it was still going.

It took someone from the victor’s corner to wrap his arms around him and let him know that it had ended.

Eubank has been in the ring with some impressive names and massive hitters like George Groves and James DeGale, but none of them could do what Smith did, and stop him from going the distance..

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