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02nd Apr 2015

FITNESS: Bulking for beginners – everything you need to know about the neverending quest for muscle

Getting big, the smarter way

Darragh Murphy

There are certain myths we see when looking at the bulging muscles of lads on the beach who appear to be in a constant state of “flex and hold”.

We might think that we could never attain that level of aesthetic magnificence because these guys must have been in the gym literally every night since their sixth birthday.

That’s not the case and we all have to start somewhere so here’s our advice on how beginners, for want of a better word, can bulk up before the summer.

It can essentially be divided into two simple sections, diet and exercise.

1. Diet

You will have to up your caloric intake if you have any chance of adding bulk to your frame. (This doesn’t mean having a few beers with every meal, just so you know).

But you will need to up your calories by about 400 a day if you want to start putting on weight the smart way. It takes 300-500 extra calories a day to gain one pound of muscle per week.


Rather than add elements to the three large meals you’re currently eating (breakfast, lunch and dinner) you should start introducing meals. You should be aiming for 6 or 7 smaller meals a day with some protein-rich element in each.

Amateur-tein? Nah, we’re protein. As obvious as it is, protein is going to play the most important role in your diet from now on. Plenty of chicken, fish and eggs for meals or yoghurt, nuts and seeds for snacks.

Fats are our friend – Don’t be fooled by the term “fat” because we need fat to build muscle, healthy fats of course. Fish, avacados, nuts, olive oil must all become vital ingredients in your diet.

Post-workout carbs – There are really only two times a day that we’d advise taking in simple carbs, in the morning and after a workout. After a tough workout, your body will be drained of glucose and glycogen so a carb boost is necessary for recovery and muscle growth. Have a turkey/chicken wrap or a fruit salad as a meal after exercising and thank us later.

A perfect alternative to a full-on meal is a recovery shake, our favourites of which come from For Goodness Shakes. They’re ideal for counteracting fatigue and making sure you’re strong enough to return to action the next day.

Uisce – For optimum protein absorption, you really have to be hydrating yourself properly. You should be having two or three litres of that high quality H2O every day.

2. Exercises

There are a whole host of workouts for every muscle group in your body so we’re just going to get you started with the basics. A lot of beginners claim to just want to get the massive guns and burl chest but neglect working out their legs. Bad idea, we’ve all seen the I skipped leg day memes. Don’t be that guy!


Biceps – Chin-ups & barbell curls

Triceps – Dips

Chest – Barbell bench

Shoulders – Military press

Hamstrings – Deadlifts with straight legs

Calves – Donkey calf raises

For overall muscle-building (and testosterone promoting) workouts, incorporate a variety of squats as well as the clean and press.

Explosiveness is key – Intensity in your workout will translate to muscle and we’d recommend doing a minute of intense exercise before taking another minute off.

3 x 10 minute circuits should be a good starting out point for you.

Happy bulking guys!

Other tips

– Get your full eight hours sleep.

– Try to avoid stress.

– Keep a diary of your progress.

Brought to you by For Goodness Shakes –  The ultimate food for sport. Designed for athletes, these drinks are ready for use even after the toughest workout. Nothing tastes like it, nothing works like it.

